You can catch up on the previous blog posts from June 21 to 1st September 22 HERE
Check back here to follow the exploits and achievements of the newly reinstated Volunteer Friends of Crarae Work Crew. Have in mind when you read the blog that the gardens are over 50 acres in size and there are currently only two full time gardeners employed by the National Trust for Scotland. Additional resources come from volunteers, either through the Friends programme or NTS Thistle Camps and occasional specialist contractors.
In 2020 all Thistle Camps and volunteering was cancelled and both gardeners were also furloughed for the entire growing season (March to July). This blow to the garden maintenance schedule compounded the challenge already facing the relatively new staff due to significant periods of time in 2017, 18 and 19 when the gardens had either no Head Gardener, no garden staff at all or just one full time stalwart!
There are years worth of projects and remedial work to catch up on, in addition to new paths to create and diversions to manage. Periods of very wet weather in 2019 and 2020 resulted in landslides and flood damage along the burnside.
2022 and 2023 were extremely wet years. Two flodding events altered the chape of the garden for years to come. The volunteer crew have helped the Gardeners as they re-imagine the path network.
If you are local and fancy helping out on a Thursday morning please email and Victoria will add you to the crew!
You can follow along each week via Twitter @friendsofcrarae Threads @friendsofcrarae or Instagram @thefriendsofcrarae
Add your own photos in Threads and Twitter, or tag us on your adventrues in the gardens, we love to hear from you.
Victoria Winters 2024