Friends of Crarae Registered Charity SC033244
Friends of CraraeRegistered Charity SC033244

Minutes and Accounts / Annual Reports

AGM Minutes and accounts financial year 2023-24
The AGM was held in person at the gardens. Please find enclosed the accounts and the minutes of the meeting and a summary of the volunteer achievements. The minutes also include a report from NTS on past year in the gardens and cafe/shop.
F of C 2024 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [688.4 KB]
AGM Minutes and accounts financial year 2022-23
The AGM was held virtually again this year. Please find enclosed the accounts and the minutes of the meeting. The minutes also include a report from NTS on the October storm damage and the reasons behind the current garden closure.
F of C 2023 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Annual Report and Accounts FY 2021-2022
The AGM was held virtually again this year. Please find enclosed the accounts and the minutes of the meeting.
F of C 2022 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [229.7 KB]
Annual Report and Accounts FY 2020-2021
The AGM was held virtually this year. Please find enclosed the accounts and the minutes of the meeting.
F of C 2021 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.5 KB]
Annual Report and Accounts FY 2019-2020
Sadly due to the COVID-19 situation the annual face to face AGM was cancelled in July 20. The Friends would like to hold a meeting later in the year, if this is not possible, a virtual meeting will be held. In the interim our Accounts as filed with OSCR are enclosed here.
Friends of Crarae Annual report account[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [34.2 KB]
Minutes of the AGM 20th July 2019
F of C 2019 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [154.2 KB]
Minutes of the AGM 21st July 2018
F of C 2018 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [110.8 KB]
Minutes of the AGM 22nd July 2017
F of C 2017 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [102.6 KB]
Minutes of the AGM 23rd July 2016
F of C 2016 AGM Minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [92.3 KB]

We are located at:

Friends of Crarae

The NTS Visitor Centre
Crarae Garden


PA32 8YA

  Opening Times




National Trust member: Free

Friends of Crarae member: Free

Adults £8.50

Family £20.00

One parent £14.00

Concessions £6.50

Picea Omorika (Serbian pine)
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© Friends of Crarae . All photographs are ©Friends of Crarae unless otherwise attributed. Registered Charity SC033244.